SB 691 (K-2 Universal Screening for Risk of Dyslexia) Unanimously Passed Senate Education Committee

There are no better advocates than parents, guardians, educators, and other professionals who have witnessed injustice to children and have hope for a better future.

SB 691 (K-2 Universal Screening for Risk of Dyslexia) passes unanimously in the Senate Education Committee!HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE HEARING
March 29, 2023:

It was an exciting day at the Capitol for California literacy advocates! Parents, educators, school board members, city and county representatives, and advocacy organizations traveled from all around the state to fill the Senate Education Committee room. The SB 691 hearing began with author Senator Portantino (D-Burbank) introducing the bill, highlighting that California is behind forty other states, where early universal screening is already required. He spoke to the need to do better for our English Learners and the role screening would play in supporting these students, and all students. He highlighted that this is a bipartisan bill with 33 co-authors to right a social injustice.

With an allotted two minutes each, witness testimony was given by DDCA Co-State Director Megan Potente and DDCA parent advocate Maria Daisy Ortiz, who flew in from Los Angeles with her daughter for the hearing. Megan urged the committee to follow science and vote aye on SB 691 to end the harm imposed by a wait-to-fail model. Identifying risk early is a critical step in solving the school-to-prison pipeline.

Daisy’s testimony centered on how her daughter’s difficulties were assumed to be due to her being an English Learner, not related to difficulties with reading. Screening would have detected her reading challenges much earlier, in K-2, during the most impactful time for intervention. Daisy also highlighted her advocacy work in supporting other families in her community.

Next up, public comment and the range of speakers on behalf of SB 691 were inspiring. Parents, teachers, school board members, pediatricians, and others spoke with urgency, some in languages other than English. A representative of the California Federation of Teachers (CFT), CA’s second largest teachers’ union stated they are considering support of SB 691 if amended. Representatives from groups including the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP), the California Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA), Disability Rights of California, and the Board of Supervisors for the City and County of San Francisco also spoke in support. [Note: The SB 691 bill analysis shared with the Committee members has a total of 52 supporting organizations listed and 3 organizations showing in opposition.]In opposition, representatives from the California Teachers’ Association (CTA) and California Association of Bilingual Educators (CABE) gave testimony, and Californians Together (CalTog) provided a “Me Too” in opposition to the bill. [Please see link to complete hearing below. Opposition testimony is from approximately 1:19:25 – 1:24:04.] The three organizations’ positions mirrored their letters of opposition filed last week, pushing back primarily on the logistics and cost of implementation and timing of the bill. These three organizations opposed last year’s bill, SB 237. Senator Portantino’s office is in ongoing discussions with these organizations.Committee discussion of SB 691 by Senate members followed including an emotional speech by Education Committee member and SB 691 principal co-author, Senator Scott Wilk.

The members then voted unanimously (7-0) to pass SB 691! Senator Portantino ended with the following: “You are never going to get first grade back. We’re going to save money. We’re going to help kids.”We hope you will watch the recording of the inspiring meeting for yourselves:
Senate Education Committee Hearing March 29, 2023

  • Complete SB 691 hearing starts at approximately 56:08 to 1:58:06
  • Live “Me Too” comments start at approximately 1:09:13
  • Call-in “Me Too” comments start at approximately 1:24:23

What’s next on SB 691’s journey? The bill has been set for hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 10 at 10:00 a.m.One thing was clear at the Senate Education Committee hearing on March 29th: DDCA is a far-reaching grassroots powerhouse. There are no better advocates than parents, guardians, educators, and other professionals who have witnessed injustice to children and have hope for a better future. Please stay with us as we march forward to pass SB 691, a first step in ending wait-to-fail in California.Want to learn more about SB 691 and sign the online petition? Go to encourage family, friends, and colleagues to sign up for DDCA emails to stay informed on dyslexia-related efforts in California.

Universal Screening – NEW Educator Resource Available on DDCA Website


Decoding Dyslexia CA Announces NEW Educator Resources with Launch of Universal Screening Module

San Francisco, CA, [April 17, 2018]–Decoding Dyslexia CA (DDCA) has just launched its first educator module on Universal Screening for Reading Difficulties. Additional modules on dyslexia-related topics for educators will be added over the next several months.

Educator ResourcesThese modules are intended to add a new level of support for teachers, specialists and administrators. DDCA is creating a consolidated, curated library of reliable resources that represent best practices designed especially for educators.  DDCA is previewing and hand-selecting quality content from internationally recognized dyslexia experts and organizations, peer-reviewed research studies, dyslexia guidelines from the California Department of Education and dyslexia guidelines from other State Departments of Education.

It is anticipated that the launch of these educator modules will assist school districts that are in the process of implementing the CA Department of Education’s Dyslexia Guidelines (released August 2017). DDCA’s goal is to create a culture of support for teaching, intervention and assessment practices that work best for students with dyslexia.

“As an intervention specialist in a California public school district, I believe educators will find these resources informative and effective.  Teachers are eager to know how to support their students.  School leaders are eager for high-quality material designed to inform their decisions. I encourage you to sign up for the DDCA email list to be notified as each module is released,”stated Kristen Koeller, DDCA’s Educator Outreach Manager.

ABOUT DDCA:  Decoding Dyslexia CA is a grassroots movement driven by California families, educators and professionals concerned with the limited access to educational interventions for dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities within our public schools.  We aim to raise dyslexia awareness, empower families to support their children, and inform policymakers on best practices to identify, remediate, and support students with dyslexia in CA public schools.  For more information contact:  Tobie Meyer, DDCA State Director at, visit our website at, or like us on Facebook at


Download the press release here.