2511 Numa Watson Rd
Seaside, CA 93955
About the Workshop
Learning math can be challenging, especially for students who have specific learning disabilities. Language skills, executive functioning, motor planning, and math-specific visual processing skills all play a role in acquiring math competency. Specific deficits and their resulting impact will be explored in this workshop. Methods will be presented that use the minimum language demands and whole-to-part, multi-modal strategies to help students express, relate, store, and retrieve information efficiently.
Chris Woodin has been with Landmark School since 1986. He is a graduate of Middlebury College and the Harvard Graduate School of education and is currently the mathematics department head at the Landmark Elementary/Middle School. He has published several articles, including a recent one through the Yale Centre for Dyslexia and Creativity. His latest book is entitled Multiplication and Division Facts for the Whole-to-Part Visual Learner. He presents nationally on topics involving multimodal math instruction and learning disabilities.