Please note that DDCA does not officially endorse, represent, or have a legal connection with any of the resources listed below.
Position Papers
CASP Position Paper – “Dyslexia and Assembly Bill 1369”
CASP – “Frequently Asked Questions California Dyslexia Guidelines”
CSHA Position Paper – “Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists with Respect to Literacy in Children and Adolescents in California”
CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading and Writing – “Dyslexia: An Introduction”
The International Dyslexia Association’s “Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading” define what all teachers of reading need to know and be able to do to teach all students to read proficiently. The IDA Standards were written for two main audiences: classroom educators and dyslexia specialists. IDA has written separate narratives for each audience.
California State PTA – “Dyslexia: Addressing the Educational Implications in Public Schools”
California State PTA – “Equitable Literacy for All Students”