San Francisco Support Group

We are a group of parents/caregivers and educators meet monthly to offer support, share ideas & resources, and empower each other as we experience the successes and challenges of supporting children with dyslexia, processing or learning differences.  We often host guest speakers. The group is parent-caregiver-moderated and free.  It is intended to be a safe place where parents can freely share what they are going through with others who understand.  Members who have managed similar challenges are able to offer insight, experience and support. Our support group now partners with the Support for Families of Children with Disabilities.


1st Mondays; 7:00 PM – Register Here

More Info – English
More Info – Spanish
More Info – Chinese

We currently meet virtually on Zoom.

For More Info, contact the group co-leaders:
Alison Henry,
Megan Potente,
Martha Brooder,