IDA – San Diego presents “Being You,” A Documentary by Roadtrip Nation

March 25, 2017 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Poway Library
13137 Poway Rd
Poway, CA 92064
International Dyslexia Association - San Diego branch

International Dyslexia Association – San Diego presents “Being You,” A Documentary by Roadtrip Nation

“This gentle documentary takes an insightful look at some of the real concerns of people who have learning disabilities as they begin their adult lives. It also highlights some of the fears people with LDs face when trying to function, as well as the shame they often feel because they don’t process information the same way others might.

“The stories told by the range of interviewers and interviewees are interesting, and it’s fun to see the variety of jobs and lifestyles that the trio of young people get to witness. This is a trademark of Roadtrip Nation’s previous offerings: showing kids that there are many options and ways to find success in life. Most of the conversations underscore the same points over and over again, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing; the messages sent about embracing who you are, and being comfortable with the specific things you need to do to reach your goals, are no less inspiring.”

A discussion will follow, facilitated by members of the local International Dyslexia Association.

This event is appropriate for young adults ages 12+.

To register for this FREE event click HERE