1450 Leigh Ave
San Jose, CA 95125
2017 Summer Comprehensive Course – San Jose, CA (Intro & 3rd Level Only)
When: 5/30/2017, 5/31/2017, 6/1/2017, 6/7/2017, 6/8/2017, 6/9/2017, 6/12/2017, 6/13/2017, 6/14/2017, 6/15/2017, 6/16/2017, 6/19/2017, 6/20/2017, 6/21/2017, 6/22/2017, 6/23/2017, 6/26/2017, 6/27/2017, 6/28/2017, 6/29/2017
Where: Valley Christian Elementary School, 1450 Leigh Avenue; San Jose, CA 95125
Registration: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/tab2.aspx?EventID=1888997
Event Organizer Email: [email protected]
SAVE THE DATE for the 2017 Summer Comprehensive Training Course. The dates for the course are May 30, 31, June 1, June 7 to 29.
Times for the training are:
– May 30, 31, June 1: 4:00 to 9:00 pm
– June 7 to 29: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Only the introductory level and third level continuum courses will be offered on these dates. Pre-approval is required for all participants wishing to take the third level continuum course. Please contact the course instructor for approval using the email link above.
Register early and get the best value registration. Registration costs increase on May 8, 2017; online registration will be available through May 15, 2017.
Available Courses
Introductory Level Comprehensive Course
This course is the core of the Slingerland training program. It is traditionally offered as a four-week summer session and includes a practicum with students. It can also be adapted into a four to six week in-year course.
Course Content Includes:
- Instruction in the introductory steps of handwriting, written language, decoding and reading comprehension
- Knowledge of the historical and philosophical background of Specific Language Disability (dyslexia)
- The study of phonic rules and their application to encoding and decoding
- The neurology of language as a means of developing oral language skills The history, philosophy and current research in the field of dyslexia
- The relationship of curriculum and classroom organization to the language arts program
- Practice with multi-sensory teaching principles through daily work with children
133 classroom hours. This course is approved for 6 graduate level extension credits through University of San Diego. Registration for extension credits must happen ON or BEFORE the first day of the course. Click here to view the USD enrollment page for the introductory level course.
Cost: $2750.00
Registration: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/tab2.aspx?EventID=1888997
Third Level Continuum Course
This four week course is designed for a limited number of participants wishing to become staff teachers in Slingerland training courses. This course encompasses all learning in the introductory and second level courses as the participant learns how to organize, maintain and evaluate a summer session, its students and participants.
Participants may also enroll in the Third Level Continuum Course for more directed work with small groups of students. Daily lesson plans are developed to meet the needs of these students under the direction of the Slingerland Director.
Third Year Continuum Course Content Includes:
- The use of the Slingerland® Approach with a classroom group of children
- Evaluations of participant lesson plans, materials and teaching stations
- Evaluations of delivery of planned lessons Assisting with the completion of forms for the Slingerland® Institute
- Preparation and delivery of lectures to participants
- Preparation of an orientation about dyslexia and the Slingerland® Approach
- Individualized requirements assigned by the Director
133 classroom hours. This course is approved for 6 graduate level extension credits through University of San Diego. Registration for graduate level extension credits must happen ON or BEFORE the first day of the course. Click here to view the USD enrollment page for the third level continuum course.
Cost: $2750.00
Registration: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/tab2.aspx?EventID=1888997
More Information: /Assets/Files/2017-VCS-SS-Reg.pdf