UCSF Dyslexia Center


Decoding Dyslexia CA is excited to welcome UCSF Dyslexia Center to Facebook.  We encourage everyone to take the time to visit their Facebook page here to “Like and Follow” UCSF and keep up on the latest research and developments!

UCSF Dyslexia Center

The mission of UCSF Dyslexia Center is to address and remove the debilitating effects of dyslexia while preserving, and even enhancing, the strengths of each individual.

At the UCSF Dyslexia Center we take a multidisciplinary approach based on latest scientific discoveries in neuroscience to characterize the strengths and weaknesses associated with dyslexia.

UCSF is perfectly poised to lead the way in dyslexia research due to its impeccable infrastructure, technology, intellectual resources, and track record of success.

Executive Board
Chair:  Steve Carvenale (Charles Armstrong School Board of Trustees)
Honorary Chair:  Gavin Newsom (Lt. Governor of California)
David Evans (Charles Armstrong School Board of Trustees)
Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini (UCSF)
Robert Hendren (UCSF)
Fumiko Hoeft (UCSF)
Claudia Koocheck (Charles Armstrong School)
Bruce Miller (UCSF)

Our Flagship Phenotype Project
This project aims to assess and improve each dyslexic individual’s difficulties in written language by designing personalized, brain-based strategies rooted in their strengths.

Dyslexia Risk i-Screener
In collaboration with UCSF brainLENS, Stanford, Berkeley, and other partners, we are starting to develop a gamified app that screens for dyslexia in preschool children.  This app will also allow us to identify the subtype of reading disorder using what we are learning from the phenotype.


UCSF Dyslexia Center Contact Information:
Phone:  1-415-353-9135
Email:  [email protected]
Website:  http://dyslexia.ucsf.edu
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/UCSFdyslexia