Tri-Counties Branch IDA Webinar: Dysgraphia & Handwriting

October 4, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Dysgraphia & Handwriting:

Has Handwriting Become an Instructional Dinosaur?

Handwriting May be More Important Than You Think!


Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D., BCET, CALT-QI, LDT

Writing by hand is a written language skill – not just a motor skill – and it impacts early literacy, working memory, planning, composition – and even note-taking in adults. Handwriting is most effectively taught within a purposefully integrated langauge arts approach that includes the teaching of reading, spelling, and written expression (and their subskills).

Handwriting is a complex skill that involves both cognitive and motor skills. A foundational skill for literacy, it influences reading, written expression, and critical thinking. Sequential hand movements during handwriting activate brain regions associated with thinking, working memory, and language. Cross-disciplinary research shows that handwriting is a critical skill to teach from preschool to high school.

Explicit, integrated handwriting instruction is important! Manuscript, cursive, and keyboarding all have advantages for different students at different ages and stages. A note-taking study comparing keyboarding and handwriting showed better comprehension and retention of content for the handwriters.  Elementary students composing by hand, not keyboarding, wrote faster, longer pieces with more ideas.

Literacy is the foundation for all learning!  Handwriting instruction influences the development of reading and written expression by students of various ages and with diverse learning characteristics.

Learning objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to define dysgraphia.
  2. Participants will be able to discuss at which ages and stages the use of manuscript, cursive, and/or keyboarding is most likely to be an advantage for various students.
  3. Participants will be able to explain how handwriting is a written language skill – not just a motor skill.
  4. Participants will be able to give examples of strategies for integration of handwriting and keyboarding instruction into the teaching of reading and written expression.

Do you know – or do you work with – a student who struggles with handwriting?  Have you wondered what will work well with these children and what they need?
If so, then………… ***This webinar is for You!

Introducing Nancy Cushen White

Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D., is a Clinical Professor, Division of Adolescant & Young Adult Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics, and a member of the Dyslexia Research Center Team at University of California, San Francisco. She is also in private practice at the Dyslexia Evaluation and Remediation Clinic as a Board Certified Educational Therapist and a Dyslexia Consultant in private practice.  She is a certified director of the Slingerland Multisensory Structured Language Instruction Comprehensive Teacher Training Course. And, she’s a fantastic person!  You’ll enjoy listening to her.

Tickets are available until 1 pm on October 4, 2016

You will receive:

  1. A copy of the Powerpoint – a day or two before webinar
  2. Access to the audio/visual version of the webinar – available two weeks after webinar

Typical Q and A:

  1. What if I cannot make the start time for this webinar? You can join us at any time. Afterwards, you will receive a copy of the entire presentation, including the audio portion. This will enable you to review the material, or if necessary, catch up on anything you may have missed.
  2. Will I receive a copy of the Powerpoint prior to the start of the webinar? We will do everything in our power to make this happen!!
  3. Will there be background noise from the other people on the line that interferes with whether or not I am able to listen to the speaker? We do everything we can to prevent this. One way is that we mute everyone while the speaker is talking.
  4. Is there an opportunity for me to ask questions? Definitely YES!  You may ask a question at any time by writing your question in the space provided. The speaker will answer it at an appropriate time. At some points, we will unmute specific participants who have their hand up to ask a question.

A webinar?  What is it?

In a webinar, you stay at home, or wherever you want, and you use your own computer. You log in at the specific day and time — and then you listen and participate.

The vital aspect is that you must be preregistered.  After you register here at Eventbrite, your name will be placed on the log with GotoWebinar and they will email you the instructions you need. These will contact a special log in code that you use to log in at the appropriate time.   You may use a phone and/or a computer; however, the computer allows you to also see the PowerPoint Presentations. The phone or a USB microphone on your computer allows you to talk to the presenter and others.