IT’S OFFICIAL: Governor Newsom Signs Bill Requiring K-2 Screening!

July 10, 2023

Governor Newsom signed the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill (SB 114) today, which includes requiring K-2 universal screening for reading difficulties, including risk of dyslexia!   

The bill requires the State Board of Education to develop evaluation criteria and designate an expert panel to approve a list of culturally, developmentally, and linguistically appropriate screening instruments. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will need to select screeners from the approved list and begin annual K-2 screening by the 2025-2026 school year. LEAs must share the screening results with parents and guardians including how to interpret the results and next steps for supports and services for students identified as “at risk.” Parents and guardians may opt out if they do not want their child to be screened. If you’re interested in reading the bill language, Decoding Dyslexia CA has excerpted the text in the budget trailer bill regarding K-2 screening for your convenience.

“Required universal screening marks a great achievement for California, making early intervention possible and is a first step in addressing reading failure. We extend immense gratitude to Governor Newsom for prioritizing universal screening and Senator Portantino for championing this important issue,” commented Megan Potente, Co-State Director.

“Decoding Dyslexia CA is grateful for the overwhelming support from organizations and individuals who have worked so hard to make early screening a reality in California. From kids writing letters to state legislators to parents and educators waiting hours to provide public comments in Sacramento and remotely, it has truly been a journey. DDCA is looking forward to working with the State Board of Education on the implementation of this important legislation,” stated Lori DePole, Co-State Director.

Decoding Dyslexia CA would like to acknowledge the years of advocacy invested by EdVoice in working with us to get this legislation passed.

Special thanks to:
California State Parent Teacher Association
Decoding Dyslexia CA Leadership Team and volunteers
21st Century Alliance
American Academy of Pediatrics, California
Association of Regional Center Agencies
California Association of School Psychologists
California Catholic Conference
California Court Appointed Special Advocate Association
California Parent Power
California Reading Coalition
California Youth Services
City of Rohnert Park
Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates
County of Monterey
Disability Rights California
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF)
Dyslexia Training Institute
Educate. Advocate.
Educators for Excellence – Los Angeles
Equitable Literacy for All
Eye to Eye
Families in Action
Future is Now Schools – Los Angeles
Govern for California
Glean Education
GPII Foundation
Initiate Justice
Innovate Public Schools
International Dyslexia Association – Los Angeles Branch
International Dyslexia Association – Northern California Branch
International Dyslexia Association – Southern California Tri-Counties
John Burton Advocates for Youth
La Comadre
Learning Disabilities Association of California
Learning Rights Law Center
Moraga School District
Mt. Diablo Unified SELPA Community Advisory Committee
North Bridge Academy
Our Turn
Pacific Juvenile Defender Center
Para Los Ninos
Parents Helping Parents
Pleasanton Unified School District
Professional Learning Coalition
Prosecutors Alliance California
Read Academy
Reading for Berkeley
Right to Read Project
San Francisco City & County Board of Supervisors
SFUSD Community Advisory Committee for Special Education
San Francisco Parent Coalition
San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs
San Ramon Valley Unified School District Board of Education
San Ramon Valley Unified School District SELPA’s Community Advisory Committee
Smart Justice
Teach for America
The R.E.A.L. Coalition
The Sister Warriors Freedom Coalition