Dynamic Measurement Group Releases Two New Assessment Tools

There is exciting news from DMG (Dynamic Measurement Group), the authors of DIBELS Next. DMG has announced the 2018 release of two new measures that are included within their suite of universal screening assessments.

If your school or district uses DIBELS Next for universal screening, you can now include a Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) and Spelling task to your K-1stgrade screening protocols.

DIBELS Next has added these two additional measures for users who subscribe to the DIBELS Next database called DIBELSnet.  Find more details at DIBELS Next.  (Note: the database service costs $1 per student and produces detailed reports needed to examine student need and make instructional decisions.)

For more information on best practices for universal screening for students at risk for reading difficulties (including dyslexia), visit DDCA’s Universal Screening module under Educator Resources.

Download a helpful infographic on Universal Screening
for Children at Risk for Dyslexia

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